- Video Link: Part 4: Students with Math Fluency
- Read the first few pages of your grade level's Number Talk packet:
- Think about how you might fit a Number String or Number Talk into your math time this week. The slide decks are ready to use:
Consider the following questions:
- How do Number Talks encourage kids to be flexible math thinkers?
- Which of the five math experiences shared in the video resonated most with you? Why?
- What caused you to pause and think during this video?
After watching the video and reading more about Number Talks, please post your response to one {or more} of the prompts above.
Read your colleagues' reflections. Feel free to respond to someone by sharing a comment, insight, or interesting possibility.
Chelsea Cameron · 157 weeks ago
Shawn Henderson · 153 weeks ago
Nani Sipila · 154 weeks ago
Number three on the video resonated with me the most because it made me pause. I feel most children see the math around them when you point it out, but I know there are kids who don’t have the life experiences to see math in their environment. COVID has set kids back because some kids did not leave their house for long periods of time. We still have a lot of catching up on life experiences.
Pam · 154 weeks ago
Renae Hanson 59p · 152 weeks ago
Carissa Loreth · 154 weeks ago
Jessica Hanna · 153 weeks ago
Shawn Henderson · 153 weeks ago
Cacie P (RCES) · 151 weeks ago
Sara Emerson · 151 weeks ago
As I listen to my students talk about how they are mentally adding 10 and 100 to any number they are using so many of the things mentioned in the video. I find it reassuring to know my students are using smaller quantitates to add larger ones, decomposing numbers and explaining their thinking. Learning more about fluency has helped me understand the progression my students are on and how to support my less fluent students.