- Video Link: Part 5: Importance of Visuals in Math
- Log in to Brainingcamp and create a task or four 😉 that could help students build their number sense and/or fluency through visuals.
- Brainingcamp log in: tsdmathteacher and password: tsdmathteacher
Consider the following questions:
- What tasks did you create using Brainingcamp? Describe them or, better yet, give us the sharecode!
- Aside from Brainingcamp, what other ways do you incorporate visuals in math?
- What caused you to pause and think during this video?
After watching the video and exploring Brainingcamp, please post your response to one {or more} of the prompts above.
Read your colleagues' reflections. Feel free to respond to someone by sharing a comment, insight, or interesting possibility.
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Renae Hanson 59p · 157 weeks ago
Here is a short Brainingcamp General Overview Video that is pretty helpful:
Here is a slide deck that you can use to help your students log in and explore Brainingcamp:
Jessica Hanna · 153 weeks ago
Nani · 153 weeks ago
I created a math box for my students this year because of COVID. I wanted them to have access to unifix cubes and other items to use for math without having to share the manipulatives. This has worked well and maybe something I keep in the future.
I have been using Brainingcamp with my students for the past few months. They have enjoyed using the manipulatives to make amazing things with numbers. I did not know I could make and share lessons. This is a new idea for me that I will be exploring over the next month.
Shawn Henderson · 153 weeks ago
Shawn Henderson · 153 weeks ago
Renae Hanson 59p · 153 weeks ago
Carissa Loreth · 153 weeks ago
Pam · 153 weeks ago
Cacie P (RCES) · 151 weeks ago
Sara Emerson · 151 weeks ago
I use 10 frames quite often for number strings and to support fluency within 20. I often wonder about supporting students when organizing their ones when using base 10. As I think about my students that are still using base to add two- and three-digit numbers they are the ones that draw disorganized ones. How do I support with their organization on their paper while still support their own construction of meaning? I often suggest rows of five. Maybe if they use a 10 frame and them organize it in a similar way on their paper.
I want to try giving some of my students the problem of 6+7 presented in the same two ways she presented it using both a 10 from and a number rack. I think it would be fascinating to see how they solve it each way since I use both tools to support fluency within 20.
I haven’t explored Braining Camp to much, I tend to gravitate towards hands on manipulatives and visuals. I plan to explore digital tools as visuals more.
Chelsea Cameron · 150 weeks ago